Onsite Machining

Metal Surgery offers a wide range of machining capabilities. The availability of special portable and in-house equipment allows operations to continue with minimal downtime. Our planning and engineering approach saves time and materials and insures quality workmanship. Our shop is well equipped with a variety of machines and over head cranes to handle all types of repairs.
Where-ever The Problem
Metal Surgery Is ready for those most inopportune times and places and are not held back by these limitations, our services are available anywhere, day or night. The unique abilities of our highly trained and dedicated professionals are not hampered when performing outside our facilities. We have the portable equipment and dedicated people to get the problem solved and your machinery back up and running.
When-ever The Problem
Usually the timing is what is a problem for repairs, Christmas Morning, Saturday Night, or at 2:00 A.M., that is when are services are needed the most. We are on-call and ready to go anytime day or night. We can mobilize and be on the jobsite before most companies open for business.
Shipping Limitations
Many times shipping to our facilities can be a problem in itself, that is where the portable machine shop comes into play. Many times parts are to big and can't be shipped or taken apart. There are two case histories on the right showing a crane and a boiler tank which the customers did not want to ship due to additional costs. Due to the size of these objects, shipping would have been irrational and illogical. The crane job consisted of a crane house center pin in which we had to rough machine to remove wear, weld buildup by procedure and re-machine to OEM Specs., The Boiler tank had a bad flange face in which we had to remove imperfections and then give the flange a phonographic finish.
Our portable capabilities include:
- Machining Shafts Without Rotation
- Boring
- Line Boring
- Milling
- Keyway and Pipe Cutting
- Grinding and Honing
- Flange Facing